Tuesday, November 29, 2016

QR codes are a First Graders Best Friend!

What is a QR code?
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached.  QR codes now are used in the education setting in many different ways. 

Why QR code websites?
This November I decided I was spending too much time helping my first graders type in web addresses to get to commonly used websites in the classroom.  I decided to create an easy QR code poster so my students can scan the website they wish to visit and get to work immediately.  Also, I was able to share these QR codes with parents so students have access to technology we are using in the classroom at home.

How do you make QR codes?
I used QRstuff.com.  I thought this website was so easy to use.  On the home page, you start with selecting the Data Type.  For me, all mine were web addresses but you have so many options to choose from as shown in this first image...

Next, based on your data type, you add the content.  For mine, I pasted in the website address.

Then, you select your color.  I selected orange since I decided to make a QR Code for my ThingLink.

Finally, I can see the QR code in the preview screen and can select Download QR Code.  My QR codes are downloaded to my computer under downloads.  I rename the QR code and then I move the file to my QR code file on my desktop to keep them organized.

What do students think of the QR codes?
Students love to can scan the QR code on their iPads and explore the ThingLink, websites and books I have made QR codes for.  It is so easy for them to get to where they need to be and it eliminates wasted time on finding the right website and asking for help.  Definitely something my students and I will keep on using!
Thanksgiving ThingLink for First Grade

1 comment:

  1. This is a great use of QR codes! Your explanation is also extremely helpful for those that don't know how to use the tool. Thanks for including it.
